White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes


  A “White Collar” charge for fraud, embezzlement, or contracting without a license can have a devastating effect on your life. In addition to all the usual risks of a criminal offense, like jail time, a conviction of this type can cause irreparable harm to your reputation and ability to earn a living in the future. These allegations very often affect professional licenses and can be used to enhance future punishments.


Often such a charge arises from a business deal or employment relationship gone bad, when a defendant really had no intent to harm anyone or steal anything. However, sadly, in our system the practical reality is often that you are guilty until proven innocent.


Call us today for a free consultation if you or a loved one have been charged with a white collar crime.


These cases can be complex, difficult, and often involve many financial records and documents. You will need a lawyer who knows how to organize and present complicated materials to a jury effectively. Mr. Brewer and Mr. Wilson are experienced with these types of cases, and they are glad to serve clients who are going through these difficult times.

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